Liam Reynolds
Faces| Select Works 2024
A contemporary take on the tradition of Portraiture. The artist weaves a fine web between post-impressionistic strokes and colours from the Fauves. Positing a mixture of muted and vibrant tones, these works encamp themes of humanity, observation, experience, and internal conflict. The faces are reduced to their barest geometry as a way for the artist to express the multi-faceted nature of individuals. Each swathe of colour is a different part of each person. The strokes are working together to create the subject, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and unity.
"These works, for me, reconcile the differences within myself. The differences between my ancestors. They tell me that I am more than just one thing. We're all more complicated than that. It's beautiful really. But, trying to find what you identify as, when there are so many parts of you, can be hard. These works let me know it's okay."